About the ASM

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft selbstständiger Migranten e. V. (Working Group of Immigrant Entrepreneurs), ASM e.V., was founded in March 2007 and followed up on the work of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft türkischer Unternehmer und Existenzgründer" e. V. - founded in 1998. We offer immigrants information and advising services from our headquarters in Hamburger City, in addition to a range of continuing education options.

The association is also involved in winning over entrepreneurs from immigrant backgrounds as trainers in the dual-mode training system. We advise entrepreneurs about job profiles, on pratical questions about training, and arrange for trainee positions at their companies.

A total of 11 employees and one trainee are available to deal with the issues important to people with immigration backgrounds. Most are from immigrant families themselves and therefore understand the mentality and difficulties immigrants face. We offer services in a number of foreign languages. The working group cooperates with the Hamburger Stiftung für Migranten and works with the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce.

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